Belafonte Regarding Kaepernick: “To Mute The Slave Has Always Been In The Best Interest Of Slave Owners”

by | Sep 2, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Harry Belafonte played a very important role in the civil rights movement and his voice on issues is always welcome.

Legendary actor and activist Belafonte sat down to an interview with Roland Martin on Wednesday.

The pair talked about a lot but a very interesting moment came regarding Colin Kaepernick’s decision to not stand up during the anthem. Belafonte called it a “noble thing” and said commented regarding the anger within the NFL.

Belafonte said

“To mute the slave is always been to the best interests of the slave owner.

“When a Black voice is raised in protest to oppression, those who are comfortable with our oppression are the first to criticize us for daring to speak out against it.”

He went onto say:

“I think that speaking out and making people aware of the fact that you are paying homage to an anthem that also has a constituency that by the millions suffer is a righteous thing to do.”

And that:

“The fact that these people are having these ‘How dare you speak out against lynching?’ and all of the things that racism stands for or the conclusions to racist acts permit – I think is a statement about America.”

See him talking in the video below:

I love this guy!

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