UIMD: Wars Are Never Winnable. Here’s Why

UIMD: Wars Are Never Winnable. Here’s Why

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… We often hear the term: OLIGARCHS, or oligarchy. Let’s define it. Dictionary.com says… oligarchy  [ol-i-gahr-kee]   1. a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or ...
UIMD: Looters Ain’t Got Nothing on Wall Street

UIMD: Looters Ain’t Got Nothing on Wall Street

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… A ruse is something that happens when an action is planned to intentionally deceive or trick someone. It’s a decoy-type activity meant to draw and deflect another person’s attention away from the true goal and make them...
UIMD: Black Armies to Protect Black People? Uhm. No.

UIMD: Black Armies to Protect Black People? Uhm. No.

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series…This may be difficult for many of you to accept, but reality is reality. There are many in the black community who are not interested in banding together to fight or protect the majority of our own. Vouz devez comprendre que ,...
Now Trending in Black America…

Now Trending in Black America…

We are now living in the information age and it is moving at the speed of light. The latest statistics on the Internet airwaves, according to the U.S. Census Bureau: In 1984, only eight percent of the American households had a computer at home; by 1997, that number...
The Real Queens of Africa

The Real Queens of Africa

I’m old enough to remember when, if a little Black girl wanted a doll for Christmas or a birthday, there was nothing available to buy for her except white dolls, baby dolls, barbies, it didn’t matter … buy augmentin online...
Birth Control “Pill” for Men

Birth Control “Pill” for Men

Thanks to Vasalgel, (i.e., RISUG®) a non-hormone-based birth control that is similar to a vasectomy – in gel form – ‘coitus interruptus’ may be a thing-a-ling of the past. The only other guarantees for men to prevent pregnancy (besides...