I Had A Dream

I Had A Dream

Dreams of Our Black Mothers We know what it means when our older Black mothers start dreaming about “fish.” Sometimes, the dreams we dream at night are bigger and more complex than just ourselves. Maybe these dreams or mares are just an “undigested...
Dear Mr. President: From One Elitist to Another

Dear Mr. President: From One Elitist to Another

I am tired, President Obama, of hearing white folks (and some Black ones, too) who tell us that we are so ignorant that we only voted for you because you are Black…that WE didn’t know what we were doing or what you really stood for. I don’t know...
I’m Sorry for This, But …

I’m Sorry for This, But …

I am sorry that it took the deaths of Michael Brown of Ferguson MO, Jordan Davis of Marietta GA, John Crawford of Beavercreek, OH, Troy Davis of Savannah GA, Chris Garner of New York City, Trayvon Martin of Sanford FL (as if Trayvon’s murder wasn’t enough...
UIMD: Shouldn’t We Have A “Black Tax” Tea Party?

UIMD: Shouldn’t We Have A “Black Tax” Tea Party?

 UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… There’s not much of anything left here to be said. Entirely speaks for itself. BURN. Next time someone says something about “black people on welfare,” understand that too many of us Black folk are still living in...
UIMD: The Thing You Fear the Most…

UIMD: The Thing You Fear the Most…

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… As the saying goes, the thing you dread and fear the most … . For whatever reason, the ‘cosmos’ and the universe is set to respond inherently to your deepest desires or your most dreaded fears, including outright...
UIMD: The Less Taxes They Pay, The Bigger Your Bill

UIMD: The Less Taxes They Pay, The Bigger Your Bill

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… For the longest, too long, the Republican Party has advocated for “smaller government.” What we’ve come to discover is that what they mean by smaller government is smaller government for them, more government and...