UIMD: To All Who Spread Conscious Knowledge…

UIMD: To All Who Spread Conscious Knowledge…

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… Urban Intellectuals (UI) is committed to spreading conscious knowledge to all Black people, indigenous people and African American people within the sound of us and within reach. We know that those who are with us and have stood by...
The Huey P Newton Gun Club: Self-defense is Expedient

The Huey P Newton Gun Club: Self-defense is Expedient

Even if you have to defend yourselves against the police, do what you gotta do. Some folks don’t respect a damn thing BUT violence. It’s how they roll, it’s all they answer to, it is how they are wired, it is what they have taught others, it is the...
UIMD: Poverty in Africa is Man-Made

UIMD: Poverty in Africa is Man-Made

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… The continent of Africa and its ‘middle eastern’ (i.e., Northern African) partition -as mandated by Europeans- has been raided, looted, raped, ravaged, and pillaged for at least the past 500 or more years. For a...
UIMD: It’s Mother’s Day Every Day

UIMD: It’s Mother’s Day Every Day

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… Black women – always the womb, the wet nurse, the “belly” as Dr. Ameena Ali of the Bellies of Grracee (“grace”) Foundation would put it – of the world. We know that every time a child wants to go...
UIMD: Asleep No More The Meme

UIMD: Asleep No More The Meme

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… It took a Black man getting elected President to wake Black people across the nation up from that deep long slumber that was going on between 1970 and 2008. It also took that same Black man getting elected President to alert white...
UIMD: 40 Acres and A Trillion Pounds of Flesh

UIMD: 40 Acres and A Trillion Pounds of Flesh

UI Meme of the Day, a daily series… America’s post-Antebellum bloodstains won’t be washed out by a few cheaply laid out trinket government programs and some hat-in-hand backstroking social assimilation statuses. That has never worked out for us, and it...