The Bottom Line on Bill Maher

The Bottom Line on Bill Maher

Truly, we need to stop discussing it. Maher was only repeating what all of his Black friends and girlfriends say around him. He brought in Michael Eric Dyson for a filter substitute on his show, so someone said to me “Don’t mistake Dyson for a...
Positive Thinking and Tithing Will Not Make You Rich. Period.

Positive Thinking and Tithing Will Not Make You Rich. Period.

Back in the 1980s and 1990s, a lot of people – I mean hundreds of thousands of folk- were hyped by every motivational speaker on the planet into believing they could become exorbitantly rich by the absorption of osmosis. If you just think rich, spend ‘as if’ you’re...
Do You Know The 14th Reason Why?

Do You Know The 14th Reason Why?

Just watched “13 Reasons Why” on Netflix. I find it odd, but thoroughly explainable, as to why there was bullying before cyberbullying, but no one wanted to discuss it until its form became a white teenage female. When you add all of that pain to the...