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Spirit of Thoth | Urban Intellectuals
An Intellectual Response To The Tennessee Waitress

An Intellectual Response To The Tennessee Waitress

Hello UI fans. I have recently heard about a certain waitress who has recently had to endure racism at the hands, or shall I say written words of a restaurant patron. After giving the them what I can only imagine was good customer service, she was greeted with the...
Watermelon… Beyond Stereotypes… Beyond Fitness.

Watermelon… Beyond Stereotypes… Beyond Fitness.

Hello again UI. I am going to stray away from my normal tirades about politics and black culture being exploited. I want to talk about health and fitness. There is a concern in the community for health and just being well enough. However there is a small population of...
Free Enterprise… Our Beloved Cancer

Free Enterprise… Our Beloved Cancer

Hello UI. To keep in the tradition of the last post, Let’ talk about the one thing that regardless of your moral compass, feelings of equality, and other touchy feely BS….Money. Yes, the thing that gives us food, shelter, and protects our loved ones, is money. Truth...
Are the dice in the education game loaded?

Are the dice in the education game loaded?

I have been waiting on this one for quite some time UI family. The topic at hand is education and getting into college. At this point in the game I feel and have seen that as minorities, we don’t stand a chance in getting into major universities the way that other do....
Why is “Elite” a 4 letter word?

Why is “Elite” a 4 letter word?

Hello UI. I hear this term elitist being tossed around as if it was like saying bigot, or hypocrite. I often wonder is it truly something that we should so quickly dismiss as bad character. I for one have certain views on the subject that may not mirror those of...
What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

It’s great to be back UI after a long hiatus from all social media. My posts may make you mad, but hopefully cause a real discussion on the subject. The next part of my calculated meal that I have been feeding you has to do with ethnic, and made up names. I know...
“Paid” In Full

“Paid” In Full

Money… It truly makes the world go round. Not just for the acquisition of trinkets, but with general morality as well. The Americans before us used to mach, hold protests, and riot in the streets to get their points across. However did any of this truly make a...