Africa’s Super Hero Bring’s Happiness… And Also Anger

by | Aug 22, 2013 | Blog, Celebrities | 0 comments

Finally! There is hope for fans of the Marvel comics series, The Black Panther. Stan Lee at a wizard comic book convention in New York, spilled the beans about the hero’s emergence as one of the newest projects for Disney under the Marvel moniker set for 2016 or 2017. For those that don’t know The Black Panther is a comic about an African prince. He lives in a village hidden away from the world called Wakanda. His father, who is Wakanda’s king, was known as The Black Panther.

PantherThe Panther title has been given to each of Wakanda’s kings and is the protector of the village and its people. They are actually a more advanced people then just living in huts and what the typical African village is portrayed to be. They are technologically advanced, even more so than America or any other country. Their science is more advanced as well as their philosophies on life. One day the prince sees his father murdered, and his uncle must become panther. When the prince (named T’Challa) is old enough he challenge his uncle for the right to become King again. He wins and the new Black Panther begins his rule. He is similar to batman, but he is of royal nobility and is smarter, with more money at his disposal. He was a major character in the original story of the Avengers, and has served as a serious player in the X-Men, and S.H.I.E.L.D stories as well.

A character of this level should have had a movie quite some time ago, most comic fans would agree. However they chose to promote Guardians of the Galaxy, and Ant Man as their next blockbusters. So why not The Panther? Why not sooner than now? With the success of Batman why not capitalize? Well… The answer to that is Disney and their long history of racism, and bigotry. Even back to the days of Uncle Remus, and Uncle Tom’s Cabin to The Disney Princess of modern times, Disney has always had an overall racist attitude toward blacks and other races.  Unlike Marvel, who pioneered race relations in the comic book world, with characters like Black, Panther, Hawk Man, Luke Cage, and many more.

Their heroes even stood up for racial equality and rights for everyone. Now that Disney has bought Marvel and is now controlling the movies, we see that they have tried to stray away from marvel’s ideals as much as possible. Stan Lee however made it clear that if he was going to sell he not only had to be involved, but his changes were going to be law. I commend Stan Lee for his efforts in portraying minorities in a light that most comics would not. As heroes and people who are involved in society. Disney however I feel has done nothing to clean the image of long ago. All that they have done is the same thing in this day and age; only h difference now is the racism is in the name of shameless promotion, rather than the nazi/communist views of Walter Disney. So, in a nut shell I am happy to finally hear of ‘Challa coming to the big screen. However I still have mixed feelings about it.

I know it sounds like “Oh the black guy is complaining. Blacks are never happy, even if they are getting what they want.” But you know what… I don’t care. The bottom line is that he was a dynamic superhero who was monumental in building the Marvel name, and he is the last to get a major motion picture. Bull SH*#! What do you think UI? Is this enough to make you not go see Marvel films? Are you okay with this? Or are we so tired of fighting and raising Cain that enough is enough and we are just letting this ride? Thoughts anyone? I know you have something to say.

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