8 Reasons Coretta Stayed With Martin Despite His Infidelity

8 Reasons Coretta Stayed With Martin Despite His Infidelity

Most people only speak of Martin Luther King, Jr. in terms of a Saint, as if he could do no wrong. However, he had flaws like most people. He has succumb to temptation of the flesh having extramarital affairs, but Coretta opted to stand by her husband rather than...
OUTRAGED: 5 Year Old Child Locked In Closet By Teacher

OUTRAGED: 5 Year Old Child Locked In Closet By Teacher

If you follow UI regularly, then you know I’m typically the first one to come to the aid and defense of the teachers. I feel like they have a tough, thankless job where everyone in the community and nation blames them for the all the ills of the educational...
5 Ways Materialism Is Killing The Black Community

5 Ways Materialism Is Killing The Black Community

There is no doubt the black community is full of materialistic consumers. Despite being only 13% of the population in the United States, we are large consumers of smart phones, flat screen televisions and other non-essential gadgets and gizmos that give us...
Why Every Black Child Should Learn To Play Chess Immediately

Why Every Black Child Should Learn To Play Chess Immediately

I love to play chess. Was taught the game at the early age of 8 years old by my father. I remember sitting at the kitchen table as he showed me how the pieces move. Really valued those hours spent with my father as he guided me through is basic chess lessons. It...
Your Government Still Thinks Of You As A Negro in 2014?

Your Government Still Thinks Of You As A Negro in 2014?

The American Government may not be the most progressive place in the world, but you wouldn’t expect them to still refer to the African American community as Negro in 2014, would you? I wouldn’t, which is why I was shocked to come across this story. It blew...