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Your Government Still Thinks Of You As A Negro in 2014? | Urban Intellectuals

Your Government Still Thinks Of You As A Negro in 2014?

by | Jan 13, 2014 | Blog | 0 comments

The American Government may not be the most progressive place in the world, but you wouldn’t expect them to still refer to the African American community as Negro in 2014, would you? I wouldn’t, which is why I was shocked to come across this story. It blew my mind.

To say the term Negro in reference to the African American community is outdated in 2014 seems beyond ridiculous. Apparently, no one told the New York City Government as they are still using the term on their jury selection forms. Some claim the term is generational and still used by the elders in the community, but this hasn’t been my experience. And apparently, this isn’t the experience or stance of the young woman that took this picture of the form.

Negro on FormFrom CNN: “Yes, I identify as black or African-American, but I am not a Negro,” said a 25-year-old teacher from New York City.

On Monday, when Raeana Roberson took the day off from work to report for jury selection, she was not prepared for what she called an offensive and disgusting experience.

The juror information card all prospective jurors have to fill out included a race category that included, “Black, African-American, or Negro.”

“Are you kidding me? What year is this?” Roberson thought when she read the form.

When Roberson looked around, no one else in the room was apparently concerned by this, she told CNN on Friday.

Since the words “Black, African-American, or Negro” appeared as a part of a single category, Roberson crossed out the word “Negro” and wrote next to it, “offensive! It’s 2014!”

She then snapped a picture of the form and posted it on her Facebook page.

Roberson returned the form to a court employee, hoping for some sort of reaction, but there was none, she said.


Unbelieveable this term can be used by the US Government in any capacity in 2014. I would understand if this was 1914, but this is 100 years later and apparently we have made much progress.

Apparently, this term has still been widely used throughout the Government. In fact, The US Census Bureau just stopped using this term in 2014. This is mind boggling to me, but the NY State Government said they will follow suit and discontinue the word as well.

What are your thoughts on the term “Negro” in reference to the African American or Black Community?

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