by David Holmes | May 28, 2014 | Blog
With the forthcoming of the Hidden Colors 3: Rules of Racism documentary I feel there are somethings to put into perspective. First of all stop feeding into this mind game of European people stating that black people are using reverse racism. There is no such...
by David Holmes | Apr 14, 2014 | Blog, Culture, Positivity
Man and Woman are scientifically, spiritually, and biologically eternally interconnected. This has been known since before we can even begin to talk about time, since Ausar and Auset in Ancient Kemet. We know that all of the human species comes from the womb of the...
by David Holmes | Mar 30, 2014 | Culture
No matter your location, your school district, your pitfalls, setbacks, or mountains ahead to climb you are the next life changing influence in a room full of desirable minds who need your best that you can give on your worst day at work and vice versa. If you are...