Man and Woman are scientifically, spiritually, and biologically eternally interconnected. Â This has been known since before we can even begin to talk about time, since Ausar and Auset in Ancient Kemet. Â We know that all of the human species comes from the womb of the Woman. Â Therefore we also know that man and woman together build a tribe, and from this we evolve into a nation or many tribes if you will.
In mathematics we are taught that the man symbolizes the sun, the woman is the Earth and the child(ren) are the manifestation which is the star(s). Â Or (1) knowledge + (2) wisdom = (3) overstanding, or The Sun shines Light upon the earth which is a necessary element for life to exist. Â That 3rd element which is the love or the life force created from the manifestation of Man and Woman or Knowledge and Wisdom bring forth love. Â The highest form of love is overstanding which in mathematics represents the beautiful starchild. Â In many families today we have women that have given birth to five, six, seven starchildren and with the man they raise up a strong tribe together.
What has come to be a red flag to me is when the man and the woman have a hard time together operating as one unit and they decide to no longer be united. Â Where in turn we then have a tribe that has been broken. Â The correct term to use would be a broken family. Â Children often suffer more from such issues than we take into consideration. Â No longer do they have a united team at all times providing, nurturing, guiding and balancing them.
All of our babies need male and female inner-chi, it also is spiritual to have that in the home and throughout the developmental stages and milestones of a starchild. Â (Yes I will refer to black child(ren) as a starchild, because they are actually beautiful stars.) Â Those stars are often in need of the support, and balance that a woman can and will bring, as well as the balance, guidance, and rearing that a man should bring.
However to often in our communities are there black women raising the children alone. Â For various reasons, however when the parents decide to divide are they really considering the psychological affect it will have on their child(ren), or are they unable to think outside of what is going on with them to realistically see what will benefit the children the most. Â We have children dropping out of school, idolizing entertainers, and because of psychological problems maybe not considered they are becoming statistics (teenage pregnancy, suppressed anger towards black male authority figures, or even males being raised predominantly by females and not being shown, told, guided into young manhood), which may cause them to be feminized.
Brothers and sisters here me out on this, Â we are taking money out of our children’s mouths to pay the legal system for divorce proceedings and/or child support proceedings, and custody hearings. Â Brothers we need to love, honor, and trust in our women and women we have to be able to forgive sometimes and try to keep our families together. Â Since the days of slavery they have used the black man and woman against one another as a ploy of their divide and conquer initiatives. Â Also we need to try to get back to tribal practices, of spending time together as a family. Â Cooking and eating together, playing games, going to the park, and creating memorable moments in our tribe and child(ren’s) lives.
I don’t care what anybody says, nobody wants their children with out there parents in their lives because that division or divide and conquer our families, communities and so forth.  It always starts with the Man and the Woman.  Then the child has to be torn all in the mix and really it has nothing to do with the child most of the time.  It’s important that we remember that when we decide to lay down together and create  life and unite in matrimony, then many people are affected by what we do within the family cipher.  Very often Black Love can be one of the greatest challenges you will face in life, because if two great spirits meet to form a union, there is often ripples, and waves, but you need presence of mind that your ancestors, as well as your future are all affected by your approach to dealing with your spouse.  Brothers and sisters lets keep our tribes together to build for stronger futures.
~ Never thought calling a woman Queen would be fighting words until I stepped into the 21st century.  Never imagined that the word bitch would be a compliment, once I placed the word bad in front of it.  I must truly be behind in times when bad means good, and bitches is even better.  When did my fellow  brother become so insecure in himself that a man addressing his woman by her proper title became disrespectful?
Please direct me to the point in time where Queen became a word of flirtatious advancement, and show me the boy that felt respect was disrespect, being passive on his true history was not neglect and to belittle a wombman was a form of praise. Â Please point me to this point in time so I can check him, so that our future can be a better place.
Now sadly when I look in the eyes of these young Queens they are truly flattered by the opportunity to be called a female dog; yes a bitch and the bottom one at that, or the main hoe. Â How did the name of a prolific part of our history become a way to disrespect our Queens. Â How did the creator of writing and many other wondrous things be turned into something negative? Where did things go wrong so that we can make them right again, how can I resolve this injustice. Â What must be done to bring my Queens back to greatness, whatever the cost I am willing to bare it: that’s just how dedicated I am to my people and to my Queens.
PoetofWar  _    Dave Bey
The foundation is culture ! The Black Woman and Man 2018, with the marriage statistics we have today, compared to the marriage statistics we have had 40 years ago, 100 years ago, 600 years ago and 12 thousand years , are the same Black people! Same Soul, same Spirit, same brains, same hearts, and same limbs! So what has screwed up our , relationships?? What has put wedge in the Black family unit in the past 25 years! Culture! Until you look at the importance of Culture and the family unit and Black unity in the family extended family and local and extended community, then we are just spinning our wheels! If we dont see the importance of History, then why bother?? History, shows us the importance of Culture, in the focus of the heart, mind and intentions inclinations and proclivites of not just us but any group of people! Look at the people in your city that have an unbroken , un tampered with Cultural heritage and , look at “Their ” marriage and Divorce rates compared to ours! Take a look to see if they allow their children to listen to music that promotes hate and abuse, on their women or not ! What is the psychological effect , of Pimp, and Trap Culture, for over 15 years subconsciously on the mindset of Black youth, regardless of educational level and acumen and economic upbringing?? These are the questions you should be looking at!