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Overcoming 500 years of Racism | Urban Intellectuals

Overcoming 500 years of Racism

by | May 28, 2014 | Blog | 0 comments

With the forthcoming of the Hidden Colors 3: Rules of Racism documentary I feel there are somethings to put into perspective.   First of all stop feeding into this mind game of European people stating that black people are using reverse racism.  There is no such thing.  Black people cannot be racist because racism is empowered when you have the ability to control the power structures that affect the lives of millions of people psychologically, economically, and historically.  Black people could possibly be prejudice, but racism and prejudices are two  very different things that must be looked at as they are.   White people for centuries have brainwashed us to look at things as we have been conditioned to look at them, and as they appear to be, rather than looking at them as they are.

racismWe have been mentally, and psychologically breastfed on how they want us to approach thinking about these issues, which in turn does not allow us to deal with the realism of the circumstances.  It is known that in fact race is something socially constructed by the europeans to sub-group people by physical characteristics.  It is a social construct or ANOTHER one of their DIVIDE AND CONQUER tactics.  To the point now where people are confused on if they are black or not. Biologically speaking race does not exist, the idea and concept of race is a  european created  construct that is based upon perceived physical characteristics and differences.  Race is a power structure built upon ideas of european superiority over other groups of people.  The term ethnicity derives from the greek word “ethnos”  meaning people or nation.  In modern times ethnicity refers to culture or nationality, and we need to put all of these things into perspective my people.  From 1975 to 1980 the united states government began its sub-group categories to put in the US Census to begin to statistically sub group people by race, ethnicity, or nationality and still till this day it is some of the most ridiculous shit I’ve ever seen in my life.     No matter if your ancestors were dropped off on in the west indies, or central, south or latin america, or here in north america your ancestors descend from Afrika.  If you choose to not deal with the fact that you have Afrikan ancestry then I suggest you do a life check, because you will probably be running into a identity crisis or seven in the coming years of your life.

I am just tired of brothers and sisters everyday of my life manifesting the brainwashing of the oppressors, or the colonizers, or the settlers, or whatever you choose to call them.  They mentally oppressed our ancestors and physically set us back a while.  Before our people were captivated and dropped here and enslaved we were living life fine in our specified tribes whichever tribe from which you or I may derive.   The public schools aren’t teaching our children the truth about life, because our history goes back ages on top of centuries of physics, anthropology, metaphysics, numerology, biology, architecture, and statistics way before the tran-atlantic slave trade, but that is rarely taught to our children in public school.  They do not teach about Ancient Kemet, or the civilizations of Moors, or the Mali Empire of North Africa and so forth.  These things you and I need to build on, and become familiar with.  Stop the mental and psychological violence to ourselves and our children by buying into the racist brainwashed tactics that have kept us stuck for 500 years.  Go on to to and trace your lineage, back to your tribes, whether you have indigenous ancestors or afrikan, it should be important to you and your family.

Help wake up these Black Anglo-Saxons, and keep spreading the truth to these negropeans and people who don’t want to hear the truth.  I’m serious when I say POWER TO MY PEOPLE, the divine time is coming.  To many of our children are dying everyday, we need to empower ourselves and our children and arm them with knowledge of themselves.


I STRONGLY HOPE THAT WE ALL ARE GOING OUT TO SUPPORT TARIQ ELITE and Dr. Umar Johnson with this Hidden Colors 3 documentary.  Share the trailer on your online pages, tell your friends and family about it.  Go support the film don’t just get the bootleg.  It’s truly time for an awakening of the masses of brothers and sisters.  No more dividing and conquering our people! The time is now. 

The Legendary Paul Mooney said it best, “there are two types of black people in this country today, you are either running free, or you are running scared!  . . . . . HOW YOU RUNNING?????”


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