By now we’ve all seen the news coverage of Michael Brown lying in the street uncovered. Someone’s child was gunned down in the street like an animal and left there like yesterday’s trash. We as a community have expressed outrage, some of us more than others. I don’t think that the latter is cold or uncaring but they could possibly be suffering from a horrible case of Déjà vu.
Unfortunately as of late the news has been littered with faces that look like yours and mine who have been cut down unjustly and before their time. How is this happening in 2014 in a country that has become a haven for many who seek solace from unjust political systems all over the world?
Do we not matter? How did we become disposable as a people? These are questions that truly need to be answered.
As a community we have the attention spans of gnats. This could possibly be a coping mechanism but it’s killing us or should I say it’s allowing others to kill us. Right now we are fired up but I assure you that by Friday my social media timeline will be filled with the next “trend” or idiotic video and no one will care about what’s going on in Ferguson, MO. By the way what’s going on in Sanford, FL or Dearborn, MI right now? The problem has been identified. It’s evident that we live in a country that does not always value us and has taught us to devalue ourselves but what do we do about it? Let’s start talking solutions. Let’s organize and STAY organized. Let’s hold this country responsible for murdering our children. We are armed with assets our forefathers did not have. We can reach communities all over the country with one click. Don’t turn a blind eye because it wasn’t your child because the next time it could be. Do you think Michael Brown’s mother thought that she would be mourning the death of her college bound son this week?
According to a study conducted in 2013 an African American is murdered every 28 hours by a police officer, security officer, or a self-appointed vigilante. It’s open season on Black boys and men in this country and we are too busy watching grandma’s twerk on Facebook to care. While we are lol’ing the joke is truly on us. Here’s something to ponder on, you can receive more time for killing an animal on the endangered species list than taking the life of an unarmed Black child and If you play your cards right you may even be able to profit from it. If that doesn’t piss you off you need to check your pulse.