It’s hard to talk about these things and even harder to point a finger of blame at who did what or why, but every day -even moreso since the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States in 2008- it comes to light that Black people the world over are the most hated race of people on the planet.
Every single moment of every single day there is some exemplary example of overt and covert racism in America that comes to light, more now than ever in this nation’s history. This is not only because the activity itself has increased, but because we now have more access to see it for ourselves, by way of tele-information.
The Internet and social media does a better job of reporting this than does the mainstream news media. Social media reporters and bloggers, sometimes more professional and capable than mainstream reporters, are getting and giving it raw and firsthand, usually “at the scene as it happens.” We don’t have to call the news any more, we ARE the news. At times, even when the reporting is an outright lie, there is a certain truth at the heart of it that escapes the ropes around the basis of the lie.
Here is the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help us God.
We are seeing more and more instances of racist activity not only on the street gang levels, but as high in government as the White House and Congress itself. It appears, for all seen and known, that all entities are wholesale “against” Black people, particularly Black men and their wives/girlfriends and children.
This internalized hatred of Black people around the world, including that cloud of ‘colored nasty’ that surrounds our current President, did not come about by any fault or failure on the part of God, for those who believe in God. (As in “Why Did God Make Me Black?”) It also did not come about by any “fluke of nature” for those who do not care for the premise of the “god genome.”
It came about by the hand of man, period.
Either way the story spins about origins and creation on Earth, racism is definitely man-made. Just as poverty, and all of the other ills and sins and shortcomings of mankind, racism is man-made.
But “Who started it?” all depends on who is telling the story.
Louis Farrakhan fables the story around a Black scientist and inventor by the name of Yakub (or Yacub).
This black scientist, he says, developed the OCA2 gene and used these chemical concoctions to change the skin coloring of some very Black and African people into a white-skinned Black that we now know as “albinos.” This happened as a result of “rooting” (skin color grafting or color code-switching) that began with indigenous Black people (or some indigenous Black person) until they became lighter and lighter to the color of pasty or nearly starch white, almost translucent, in skin color, a people with lighter hair and eyes and weaker DNA and genetic structuring, as well as a weaker hair texture that “fell down” instead of standing up and remaining coiled and twisted. We know that when Black people straighten their own hair with heat or chemical treatments, it becomes lengthier than it is in its natural state.
I just found this story out about Yacub around two years ago, I’d never heard it before and I have no reason to further research it. I have no conclusions about it one way or the other except to say that it is entirely plausible based on what we see and know about everything else.
Many white people, upon scientific discovery, say that they came from their ape-like cave-dwelling ancestors who once ran like “monkeys in the jungle” in the wild until they stumbled upon ‘fire’ and how to make tools and became more socially sophisticated as a result of it.
This isn’t the whole story of their cave-dwelling ancestry, of course, but in this methodology of scientific study, they have also somehow concluded that Black folks in Africa “just popped up from out of nowhere.” That defies and negates their own methods of empirical scientific study. Their methods and conclusions state that they must have a hypothesis on which to formulate a basis for a provable conclusion, so nothing whatsoever pops up out of “thin air,” or even out of “big bangs” for that matter. They kill their own theories with their own methods of making them up. In their own belief systems, something, or someone, caused these things to occur. Nothing comes from nothing.
Still others say that white people appeared from scientific mutation, generational happenstance that came about as a result of them procreating with Africans on the continent. If they use the terms “Black people having sex with monkeys,” it can only be understood to mean that the monkeys were themselves, unless Farrakhan’s story is correct that is. If Farrakhan is right, white people are nothing more or less than supra-light Negroes.
Scientific-minded whites who say they were once cave dwellers who lived amongst animals and killed them for food and used their fur for clothing, and who say that they descended from apes before appearing on the world scene from out of the Caucasus Mountain ranges (thus, the term ‘caucasian‘) and then moved southward to conquer the world makes perfect sense. It’s called Manifest Destiny.
Manifest (temporal and SEEN) destiny coming out of Europe and the west does not mean eternal destiny. It wasn’t meant to last.
Exactly how they got to the Isle of Patmos, also known as “The Jerusalem of the Aegean” is anyone’s guess, but Farrakhan’s story about Yacub fits here perfectly.
It was John (not the Apostle, but the “other John”) who sat on the Isle of Patmos and had his visual revelation of what we now call “The End Times.” – The Book of Revelation
Their localized Roman imperial christianity, it would seem from all historical evidence, was not the original Christianity of our forefathers.
What happened to Christianity in Rome’s hands is a whole other story than the way it started off in Jerusalem (Judah’s Jerusalem, not the European-occupied “state of” Israel of 1948) and Damascus (Syria) and in Antioch (Greece). In the end, many have even blamed Christianity for the downfall of the Roman Empire itself. They knew nothing of it until they received it from some Black men from the Holy Lands.
What the historical and scriptural Bible tells us is that the apostle Paul himself, after parting ways from Peter and Barnabas, took Timothy and began his own ministerial travels and journey into Asia Minor and Greece. Ultimately, Paul -a man born in Tarsus (Turkey) and raised as a child under Jewish tradition in Rome- did eventually make his way back to Rome under constant threat and duress and harassment. He had killed others for what he was now doing himself, carrying this gospel of The Christ, the Messiah, to the Gentiles currently occupying that land.
A certain faction of Judean people out of Israel (yes, they were all non-white and non-European), particularly those who lived in Jerusalem and Damascus during the time of Christ’s sojourn on Earth, were calling themselves Christians (back in Antioch and even over into Turkey and northern Africa and Asia) long before Rome ever even heard the term “christian”.
What we are beginning to find out, however, is that no matter how ‘white European man’ surfaced on this planet, his destiny is intricately intertwined with Black people. He is most definitively not a sustainable race of people on his own — not spiritually, emotionally, or genetically.  This is something we’ve heard Dr. Frances Cress Welsing say on a regular basis. It will do him and them no good to attempt to continue to swindle and destroy Black people, for things cannot remain as they are forever; and in the end, he only kills in order to die himself.
People who believe that black people’s issues in the world are solely one of finance and economics have been sorely misled. We never needed European money from the start, why would we be subject to it now? Without our own permission, we are not subject to any of it. It is an illusion…The Wolf of Wall Street kind of an illusion.
The root and sustenance of all humanity rests and abides with Black people the world over. “As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end.”
We carry within our DNA code and the eternal melanin in our skin the “Eternal Fountain of Youth” that they so desperately seek.
Some of them are well aware of this, others are in denial about it. However, there is a root reason that they hate and target us as Black people and desire our natural god-given inheritance, our resources, our genetic code, our structural DNA, our lives, and even the manufactured death of our children the world over.
The need and will of the western European catholic tradition to re-color the truth and the Christ, and then subsequently turn Christianity, or any other religion for that matter, into a pile of religious dogma covered over in superstitions, heretical beliefs, pagan ideas and racist agenda about “who was who and what was what” in the world did nothing to change THE absolute truth, such as that which is backed up by science, genetics, history, scripture, many literal textbooks, and the generic evidence of life itself.
These many centuries later nothing that they have said to this day about God or the faith of our fathers has turned out to be anything more than a religulous lie with a little bit of truth twisted in.
However, God did not make the world this way so that Black man would be racially superior, this is simply the way the world was created from the very beginning – from the dust of the earth, in the dark blue-black silt soil of the Upper Nile Valley and its fertile crescent.
It is no wonder that havoc and hatred and ill-will rests within these white-skinned perpetrators of racism so many centuries later.
They were not of God’s original creation to begin with, and they came about only as a result, one way or another, of Black people being here, feeding and nurturing them without owing them any duty whatsoever to do so. That remains the same today. They have no real excuse for the behaviors that cause Black people to become reactionaries to try and resolve it.
When it was taught throughout the world that China/the Chinese were the oldest civilization on the planet, they did their own scientific studies and ascertained that “No. We, too, came from Africa.” Whatever “they” (the world) has, it got from Black people in Asia, some parts of Europe (like Greece and Rome), and Northern Africa.
Blacks in Asia, Europe, and Africa [once known as Gondwanaland, then later Alkebulan) were on this planet, scientifically-speaking, more than 200,000 years before a white face ever appeared on it.
Most, or many, of these European prototypes are well aware that they are no more than 7,000-12,000 years old as a race of people on a planet that existed hundreds of thousands (maybe even millions) of years before they did. Therefore, it stands to reason that ‘they’ would have nothing — not even their very own lives, had it not been for Black people. That would make them the original “welfare” recipients who are still banking on our resources and good graces to this day.
That said, this “race complex” thing…just exactly where the ^%*$# did that come from?
Point your finger and waggle it a little bit: Out of the Roman Empire.
Today’s American jurisprudence is a proud inherent participant of Romanesque thinking. Quote from John Lennon: “If I’d lived in Roman times, I’d have lived in Rome. Where else? Today, America is the Roman Empire and New York is Rome itself.”
Did he lie about that? Maybe that is the reason, one of many, that he wrote the song: IMAGINE. Maybe he could visualize this world before God created it. “Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if you try, no hell below us, above us only sky…” There was a time when there was no heaven or hell, and when there was only sky.
As a child, I learned in school that my textbooks, my beliefs, my traditions, my schooling, my literature, and all areas of higher and more empowering knowledge being taught in the United States of America educational systems came out of two basic world traditions – Rome and Greece.
No one ever said where the hell Rome and Greece got all of that self-sustaining self-absorbed superior knowledge FROM, especially since they had only been on a purportedly millions-year old planet for about 7,000 years, more or less. They taught it to us as if NOTHING/NO ONE existed before them, which has turned out to be one of the biggest crocks of lies ever known to humanity or mankind.
Rest in Power, Our Ancestors:
You did a wonderful and most excellent job leaving us a historical and spiritual legacy on which to build the future as it now remains.
If the “powers that be” are correct, white people started this wholesale racial superiority mindset; but if Minister Farrakhan is correct about Yakub/Yacub – then it all started with a smart-@ Black man who thought he WAS God. That, in itself, explains why God would take these white folks and shove them dead up His own Creation’s butt-cheeks.
Throughout mankind’s history, man (and before man, the powers of heaven itself) has tried to be, replace, or uproot God, and even become “gods” themselves. The simple answer is: We aren’t going to outsmart Him, no matter what we do.
If things continue as they are, and they will mainly because people, our people in particular, will continue to be stubborn, obstinate, in denial, and blind of themselves to the truth about who we are and who THEY are and where we all came from AND of That which created us from the very beginning, then America is now in its final resting phase as the Superpower of the world. No, it can’t be “fixed,” especially not by the power of racism or cash money or financial or economic repertoire, because it was never meant to remain in place for all eternity from the In The Beginning.
The Roman Empire itself ended for pretty much the exact same reasons that America has been dwindling, crashing, burning, and almost totally out of context for the past 50-60 years.
When I write about these subjects in the spirituality/religion column for UI, the first thing I am accused of is “trying to convert people to Christianity.” I have even been accused of being ‘The Facebook Prophet’, which is not as much of an insult as it sounds like. It means I’ve done my job there and can now move on to other things.
Take careful note: I am not a Christian, nor do I need to be.
God was not a Christian and the Lord & Savior never required anyone to be one. I do not adhere to or worship any man-made form of a religion whatsoever, and even my own “christian” upbringing has been challenged and questioned. For a season in my life I turned away from it for all of the hypocrisies and lies that were told, and came close enough to swearing my own allegiance to atheism.
But I could not do that. Atheism simply doesn’t make a lick of sense to me. There is no way it took engineering ingenuity and “big man” brains to build the biggest and tallest buildings in the world, and the world itself, which -in the simplest earthquake or hurricane or tsunami- can snap those gigantic phantasmagoric buildings in two like a fallen twig, no way that this world simply popped up from out of nowhere with no thought or planning. That makes everything that the empirical science world and evolutionists have ever said invalid, because you simply can’t get something out of nothing at all.
It’s all about perspective and I have concluded that no religion on earth will remain intact forever, so I have no reason to call for anyone’s conversion to or from any of them.
I have seen too many ‘christians’ who are no shining example of that which they claim to believe in, so they can have it, and shove it. However, there is good and evil in all of it. No religion is an exception to the evil that befalls humanity.
As to religion itself, do YOU – be it Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Catholic, what have you. One is no greater or less than the other, unless it falls within the realm of people-worship, money-worship, or multiple or demi-god worship. The multi-gods complex goes far beyond anything I’d want to subject myself to.
These ‘one-God one-Lord one-faith one-baptism’ (interfaith) religions, on the other hand, are all one and the same, and that includes ‘christianity,’ in the form as given by Rome. If you are a Christian in today’s Roman catholic terms or even a member of a faction pop-off from the main church in Rome (what we call ‘a Protestant’), you are about as well off spiritually as the others who believe in One God, One Faith, One Lord, and One Baptism. And “No“, not all Christians are hypocrites OR bigots, but not all non-Christians are good people, either.
None of these man-dated religions are long-term sustainable to humanity. The other seven major churches founded in Asia Minor – Thyatira, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea – were as good as the church in Rome, or even better for all we know. BUT. But now. Faith is. The evidence. Of things. Hoped for. And things. Unseen.
Many also want to believe that these things that we say about Judah’s true identity are mean-spirited and ‘just as bigoted‘ because God was never about the color of a hu/man’s skin, so it should not matter about race. True, the racial color of The Christ should not have mattered.
But it did matter to them; and anyone who thought that it did not matter would not have gone through such historical machinations as to change the skin color and ethnic origins of the Savior himself from Black to white had it not mattered to someone. There is no escaping, running from, or getting around that. Saying it shouldn’t have mattered doesn’t change what happened.
In the end, the beginning of all life was never about skin color or hair texture, or race or ethnicity, it was about the way, the order, in which things were originally created to be; and eventually The Order in which they must fall.
Therefore, no Black person needs to play the “Uncle Ruckus” character or act like ‘Kizzy from ROOTS’ and get all up in arms or fall out on the floor and hit their little heads whining and weeping and wailing and gnashing their teeth about their wonderful white friends and their white constituency being “left behind” in the Kingdom just because they’re not the “right race” or skin color. That is a fallacy of man-made epidemic proportions, and we didn’t start that fire.
This was all about the Truth of the gospel of the Hebrew people, and who will stay and who will be uprooted because of their own beliefs.
And it is also doubly about the Holy Inheritance of God’s Chosen Ones and the Children of Israel — who, by their own beliefs as well, will be seated first in the Kingdom. All who choose to follow will follow behind Judah, no matter what race they are.
We are now living in the “The Joshua Generation,” Joshua (in the American vernacular) being a man who completed the act of “crossing over into the promised land” that Moses (i.e., Dr. King’s generation) could not.
Then-Senator Barack H. Obama Jr., [D. Illinois] got THAT right.
Cry as they might about the former senator’s unintended “arrogance” for paying homage and respect to his own Black American elders and ancestors (the nerve of him!) and invoking the power of the future generations to act as Joshua and Caleb once did and had to do at the time, the visual was clear in his mind long before 2008. And he was not wrong like white folk (and by ‘white folk’ I mean the ones who do it, not all of them) depicted. His campaign people were once threatened with a lawsuit to keep them from using the name The Joshua Generation that had been usurped by a white christian evangelical group called Generation Joshua, a group that has no clue what Joshua’s calling was really all about, or why he sent in 12 spies who brought back a bad report about “giants” in the land on the other side. They’ve got no “other side” to get to, so Joshua and Caleb’s calling and mission was a much larger picture than what that small arrogant lily-white group could ever envision.
They saw it as him thinking he was some kind of “Obamessiah” and they used their “high and mighty holy romanesque christian evangelical influence” as leverage to muddy the waters about his own position; but we saw it for what it was:
“Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when The Son of Man sits on His glorious throne, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel…” – Matthew 19:28 [NIV]
Don’t get it twisted.
Obama never thought he was a god of some kind, or a Prophet by any stretch of the imagination. They saw it that way as a matter of their own arrogance while describing him the way they think WE saw him. But it’s all THEM, once again, as usual. Making it all up as they go.
There is a reason for this attitude coming from white folk. THEM white folk, that is.
The Holy Roman Empire of the United States of America (a/k/a “modern-day Babylonia,” for all intents and purposes seen and unseen) can’t see itself for what it really is: A momentary temporary tool being used by God to bring us all to our god-given, scripturally-ordained senses, and down to our raggedy blotched broken knees. Don’t be surprised if America doesn’t make it to the “End Times,” I don’t think it will be around that long.
Our choices are our own on these matters, so all that we see in this world right now is most definitely “BY DESIGN.” So let it be written, so let it be done.
The Enemy (The Thief) comes for naught but to steal, kill and destroy … John 10:10