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African Union Attacks Trump! USA Took ‘Many Of Our People As Slaves’ But Won’t Take Refugees | Urban Intellectuals

African Union Attacks Trump! USA Took ‘Many Of Our People As Slaves’ But Won’t Take Refugees

by | Jan 31, 2017 | Africa, News, Politics News | 0 comments

Their is no doubt that the uncertain state of the world and especially Africa lays largely in the hands of the West. American has had a huge role in the various wars / conflicts / political upheavals and terrible things that have and are happening.

So, Trump’s country-specific, religion-specific refugee ban which arguably goes against the agreed Geneva convention basically gives a message that Trump’s USA is not sorry and gives absolutely no sh*ts about the path of destruction his country has helped lay!

And the African Union are not happy about this, for damn obvious reasons.

Representatives of the AU’s 53 members met in Addis Ababa for a two-day summit.

Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, the head of the African Union, had some harsh words about Trump’s refugee ban. She said that it presented “one of the greatest challenges” for the continent.

She went onto say:

“The very country to which many of our people were taken as slaves during the transatlantic slave trade has now decided to ban refugees from some of our countries,”

“What do we do about this? Indeed, this is one of the greatest challenges to our unity and solidarity.”

The ban affects three African Union nations, Libya, Somalia and Sudan, and also Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran. This goes along with a 120 day ban on the US Refugee programs which will halt any Syrian refugees trying to get to the country. Ironic considering the US’s role in the region’s unstability.

Antonio Guterres attended his first AU summit as the UN chief and had some praising words for the AU, he said:

“African nations are among the world’s largest and most generous hosts of refugees.

“African borders remain open for those in need of protection when so many borders are being closed, even in the most developed countries in the world.”

This was not made in direct reference to Trump’s EO but it says a lot!

Thanks to the Independent for the story details:

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