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“My African American” Trump Offers Carson HUD Secretary Position, A Poor Attempt To Show Diversity? | Urban Intellectuals

“My African American” Trump Offers Carson HUD Secretary Position, A Poor Attempt To Show Diversity?

by | Nov 23, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

So, even after Carson said he wouldn’t take a position under Trump, he has been offered something that he has absolutely no experience with!

Does Trump give two craps about who he puts where? Or is he just trying to put his friends in places he promised them?

Is Carson just a token black man in Trumps white male government? Will he be used as “My African American” so that he can use him to show critics he is not racist?

Earlier yesterday Trump tweeted

I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the head of HUD. I’ve gotten to know him well–he’s a greatly talented person who loves people!


Then the offer was made official later.

Although raised poor and pulling through to become a neurosurgeon gives Carson some experience with being in government housing and making it through, he has no experience in the area of Housing Development and is an odd choice.

It feels like Trump just didn’t know where else to put him!

Despite Trump at one point comparing Carson to a child molester he ended up endorsing him and became one of his biggest surrogates. Carson was a rare mainstream black voice supporting the President-Elect.

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