African-American Men More Likely To Get Pulled Over In Durham, NC

by | Mar 20, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

According to WNCN, research has shown African-American men more likely to get pulled over in Durham compared to any other group of people.

Studies were taken at RTI International, at the police department’s request, to see if racial bias played a factor.

It was revealed that black men are 20 percent more likely than anyone else to get pulled over by a cop for speeding during daylight hours, when the cop would be able to see the driver’s race.

“To those communities that have been most vocal with these concerns, I want to say we heard you,” Durham Police Chief Larry Smith stated, adding, “You may have thought we did not, but we did. And, the request for this report is evidence of that.”

Studies were dated back to as far as 2010 and showed that there were no evidence of racial bias to women.

For the first four years, African-American men were disproportionately pulled over but that number has declined.

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