Apparently No One Killed Freddie Gray! And The State’s Lawyer Is PISSED About It!

by | Aug 3, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Freddie Gray clearly didn’t kill himself, his death was said to be homocide but guess what folks! All charges were dropped, as we are sure you heard.

However the State laywer Marilyn Moby is very upset at how the investigation was derailed and has made it very clear she isn’t happy with things. posted:

For anyone who thinks police brutality in Baltimore is going unpunished, Marilyn Mosby isn’t having it.


Although some officers within Baltimore’s police force would like the public to see the death of Freddie Gray as a freak accident that followed a string of unfortunate events during his arrest last year, Mosby, the state’s attorney for the Charm City, set the record straight.

“We do not believe Freddie Gray killed himself,” Mosby said in a press conference Wednesday morning, as her office dropped charges against the remaining three of six officers involved in Gray’s April 2015 arrest and death. “We stand by the medical examiner’s determination that Freddie Gray’s death was a homicide.”

Apparently, No One Killed Freddie Gray
Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn Mosby, right, speaks during a press conference about the decision to drop charges against the officers in the Freddie Gray case.Source: Steve Ruark/AP
Flanked by members of her staff and Gray’s father, Mosby offered a forceful condemnation of individual Baltimore officers who she alleged had worked to hinder her office’s investigation into 25-year-old Gray’s death. No officer who stood trial in the case was found guilty of anything.

But as the nation continues to grapple with seemingly frequent deaths and abuse of African-Americans at the hands of the police, Mosby reiterated a reality that black communities know all too well. Even when the facts are on the victim’s side — when a medical examiner rules the death a homicide or, like in so many other cases, police misconduct is caught on video — the justice system is manipulated to make what seems like a home run prosecution nothing more than a theory.

You can read more here:

Image sourced from the above article and credited Source: Steve Ruark/AP

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