In 2014, CNN Anchor Rosemary Church suggest the police stop using their conventional techniques of tear gas, stun grenades and bullets for the use of water cannons. She speaks on the international community watching and water cannons wouldn’t give the same bad press.
This happened on a live broad cast on the CNN network and she had a black anchor at the desk with her. The look on his face as he turns to look at her is priceless, but echoed by many in the black community as “WTF did she just say?”
Apparently, Rosemary Church has no idea or compassion for race relations in this country. Water cannon usage is a sign of the 1950’s and 60’s as black people were fighting for equal justice in the eyes of the legal system and so-called American people.
Water cannons bring back the thought of police dogs biting innocent, nonviolent protesters marching in the streets. Water cannons haunt of the inhumane treatment blacks experienced during that time at the hands of white people including rape, murder, lynchings, burning crosses in their yards, the KKK and more unbelieveable injustices the black and brown people have endured in this country.
For a CNN anchor to be this callous in her understanding of history and show no compassion for black people in this country is despicable and we believe she should lose her job.