Discover the Stories You and Your Children Weren’t Taught in School

by | Oct 24, 2024 | UI Products and Services | 0 comments

What do parents and grandparents want for their children?

As parents and grandparents, we all want the best for our children. We want them to be strong, proud, and confident, ready to take on the world. But how can we expect them to thrive if they don’t know the true history of where they came from?

In our schools, too often the stories of our ancestors—the Kings, Queens, and great empires of Africa—are reduced to a footnote, or worse, left out entirely. This lack of representation can leave our children feeling disconnected, uncertain of their true worth, and unsure of the greatness that runs in their veins.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

A Personal Journey Toward Rediscovery

At Urban Intellectuals, we’ve experienced this same frustration firsthand. Freddie Taylor, the founder of UI, was once in the same place as many of us—feeling miseducated and disconnected from the rich, powerful history of Black people. Growing up, Freddie’s father, affectionately known as Papa Taylor (and also nicknamed “94+”, every birthday his nickname changes to reflect his current age), would tell him stories of Black royalty, culture, and power—stories that were rarely found in textbooks.

That’s where Freddie’s love of Black history began. What started as personal research in college—selling Black History profiles for 25 cents—has blossomed into a lifelong mission to make sure that the stories of our ancestors aren’t just remembered, but celebrated.

Why This Matters for Your Children and Grandchildren

As parents and grandparents, the responsibility to pass down these stories falls to us. But how do you share a history that’s been intentionally left out, manipulated, or minimized by systemic racism?

That’s where Ancient Kings, Queens, and Empires Part 1 comes in.

Imagine sitting down with your child and showing them the real Lion King—not the Disney version, but the story of Sundiata, the ruler of the Mali Empire. Or teaching them about Mansa Musa, who was not only a King but the richest person to ever live, whose generosity and leadership shaped entire economies.

These stories aren’t just history lessons—they are tools of empowerment. They show our children that their ancestors weren’t just survivors; they were leaders, innovators, and warriors.

What You Can Do Today

You’re probably thinking, “Where do I start?” The truth is, we’ve made it easy to begin this journey of rediscovery with your child.

Here’s what you can do today:

  1. Select a tool: The Ancient Kings, Queens, and Empires Part 1 course is designed specifically for children to engage with and learn about their powerful heritage. Each lesson is crafted to captivate young minds, making Black history exciting, fun, and empowering.
  2. Commit to 5 minutes a day: You don’t need to spend hours each day teaching history. Simply committing to 5 minutes a day to review one of these lessons will help combat the miseducation your children face.
  3. Join a community: With Urban Intellectuals and the Sankofa Club, you’re not alone. Our community of parents, grandparents, and educators are all on the same journey—learning, growing, and sharing the rich history of our people.
  4. Share with friends and family: Once you start this journey, share the gift of knowledge with others. Help spread the truth of our ancestors’ greatness.

Why This Matters Now More Than Ever

In a world that often undervalues Black contributions and history, our children deserve to know the truth about who they are and where they come from. Systemic racism in schools, media, and society has diminished the legacies of African empires, and that impacts how our children see themselves.

But when they learn that their ancestors were kings and queens, builders of empires, and innovators of their time—it changes everything.

Our children grow up empowered, confident, and ready to take on the future, knowing their potential is limitless.

What Happens If We Don’t Act?

If we let this moment slip by, we risk our children growing up without fully knowing the greatness they come from. We risk them feeling disconnected, embarrassed by what they don’t know, and uninformed about the true legacy of their people.

We’ve seen it happen—children feeling small and unsure of themselves, overwhelmed by a world that doesn’t reflect their history.

But you can change that.

Our Promise to You

At Urban Intellectuals, we’ve re-educated ourselves, and we’ve made it our mission to help parents and grandparents like you do the same for the next generation. We’ve sold over 500,000 Black History Flashcards worldwide and helped thousands of families like yours rediscover the richness of Black history.

With the Ancient Kings, Queens, and Empires Part 1 course, you’ll be guided by passionate educators like Gwen Ebron, a mother, grandmother, and lifelong advocate for Black history. Gwen knows how to make history come alive for young learners, empowering them with every lesson.

A Simple Step to Start

We’re not asking you to commit to hours of study. Just start with one lesson. Spend just 5 minutes a day sharing these incredible stories with your child or grandchild. That small investment of time will make a world of difference in how they see themselves and their future.

Want to start today? We’re offering a free set of 10 Black History Flashcards to help get you started on this journey. You can use these to introduce your children to the greatness that lies in their heritage.

Get your free flashcards here and begin the journey of empowerment with us.

No hard sell—just an opportunity to introduce your child to the real stories of our people. If you want to be part of this, we invite you to join the movement and see the difference it makes.

Love, Peace, and Black Power,
Freddie Taylor
Founder/CEO of Urban Intellectuals

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