John Crawford III was casually walking around a Walmart Store with a toy gun in one hand while talking on his cell phone. This was caught on surveillance and was one of his last moments.
Beavercreek Police Officer Sean Williams came to the scene after a 911 call from a customer said that a man had a loaded rifle and was pointing it at children. Crawford was shot dead and his gun was found to be a pellet gun taken from the self.
Williams was found to have not violated federal civil rights laws, the Justice Department said Tuesday.
He will not be charged with any federal offenses.
The Justice Department and U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District Ohio said in a statement:
“This investigation revealed that the evidence is insufficient to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Officer Williams violated federal civil rights laws,”
And offices,
“will not pursue federal criminal civil rights charges against Officer Williams.”
A grand jury had also previously declined to indict Williams and a second involved officer in the shooting on criminal charges.
They are trying to get the biggest war going hear I’m telling you look at the signs !!!!