Vanae James-Bey is a 6-year-old on a mission, thinking big! Along with her mother, Veronica Bey, they have developed a coloring book that of course provides entertainment but also teaches about Black indigenous cultures around the globe.
“The Indigenous Adventures of Princess Vanae” went on sale March 31 and looks into the history of native-born Black people in Africa and the Americas.
Bey said:
“We’ve received tons of positive feedback, with orders from Australia to Amsterdam,
“Parents asking for one for boys are as negative as the feedback gets.”
Johnathan Ellerbee, Vanae’s uncle, also helped develop the first sketches and artist Johanne Immis finished them up.
The book is aimed at 5-13 but let’s face it we all love coloring and we all have a lot to learn!
The 20 page book can be purchased here: $12.95 from