Larry Wilmore Lashes Out At Milo Yiannopoulos, “Go F**k Yourself” (VIDEO)

by | Feb 20, 2017 | Celebrities, News | 0 comments

Bill Maher was said to be soft when he had Milo Yiannopoulos on his Real Time show, however, during the extended Overtime segment guest Larry Willmore was having NONE of Yiannopoulos’s BS!

The Grio reported:

Maher asked the alt-right Trump supporter why he singled out a trans student during a speech at the University of Wisconsin.

Milo went on to discuss the transgender female as a “he” saying, He had already left the university. And I make no apologies for protecting women and children from men who are confused about their sexual identity.” The Breitbart editor went on, “I did it on purpose. I misgendered this person… I think women and girls should be protected from having men who are confused about their sexual identities from their bathrooms.”

Wilmore challenged the statement right away.

“I just think it’s sad, because the same arguments that were used against gay people, treating them like aliens who wanted to fuck anything that moved and that’s why we should avoid them at all costs, are being used [against the trans community].

“There’s a difference without a distinction, because it’s using the type of arguments. It’s like when people try to compare gay and black. Yeah, they’re not the same thing. We shared invisibility. People didn’t see us in society, and gay people hid out from society, but there were a lot of the same issues that you have to deal with when you’re marginalized.

“You can always find an extreme person that becomes the object of your attack to assign that to everybody,” he went on. “So if you say, well that person is ‘weird’ or they want to commit sexual assault, then people think all transgender people want to do is commit sexual assault.”

Milo was quick to respond. “Well, they are disproportionately involved in those kinds of crimes… That’s not a controversial statistic, and frankly, you’re suggesting these people are the victims of some kind of discrimination, well I’m saying to you this is a psychiatric disorder—like identity disorder or like sociopathy.”

Milo had a point but probably not the one he meant to make. It’s true that trans people are “disproportionately involved” in sex crimes, they are the victims.

src: The Grio.

Watch the segment below:

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