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Black HUD Official Who Criticized Trump Has Been Fired | Urban Intellectuals

Black HUD Official Who Criticized Trump Has Been Fired

by | Feb 17, 2017 | Politics News | 0 comments

The Republicans/ Trump administration is not very “diverse.” So you can imagine how surprised some were when the Trump administration fired one of the few black men on his team. The Trump recently fired one of Ben Carson’s top aides this week after the official publicly criticized the president, according to the New York Times:

The New York Times Reports:

Shermichael Singleton, who was one of the few black conservatives in the Trump administration, had been working at the Department of Housing and Urban Development since Jan. 23 as a senior adviser. He was preparing a cross-country tour for Mr. Carson, who is expected to be confirmed by the Senate this month.

But according to the two people briefed, Mr. Singleton’s background check had not been completed. As it was being finished this week, Mr. Trump’s advisers turned up public writing by Mr. Singleton that appeared during the later stages of the campaign in which he was deeply critical of the candidate. “My party in particular has allowed itself to be taken over by someone who claims to be a Republican but doesn’t represent any of our values, principles or traditions,” he wrote in The Hill in October 2016.

A person close to Mr. Singleton said an initial vetting of the 26-year-old by HUD and White House personnel had come up with his criticism. He answered a number of questions regarding the article and expressed remorse for the piece and support for Mr. Trump…On Wednesday, Mr. Singleton was presented again with the piece and told it was the reason for his termination. Reached by phone, he would say only, “I can’t talk about that.”

This should not be shocking at all, since this administration has clearly shown that ANY found criticizing Trump will be targeted.


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