SOS, Save Our Street’s Brooklyn has been doing astounding work! And as of 10th of February the Albany Houses area has been able to celebrate 398 days without a shooting or a killing.
This is thanks to the hard working volunteers who are canvassing, being role models, providing alternative conflict resolution and generally standing up and doing for self what others don’t do for them
Save Our Streets Brooklyn posted to Facebook:
Shout out to Albany houses for buying in and finding alternative ways to deal with conflict. Tonight marks 398 days without a shooting or killing in or around Albany houses. Shout-out to S.O.S. staff and community members for making it happen. Keep up the good work! #365AndCounting #StopShootingStartLiving
And this awesome picture! These are the men doing the great work. Let’s hope this movement spreads far and wide and starts doing amazing things where it’s needed.