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Fox Makes Big News With Pro-Trump Rally (With Barely 50 People In Attendance!) | Urban Intellectuals

Fox Makes Big News With Pro-Trump Rally (With Barely 50 People In Attendance!)

by | Feb 7, 2017 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

In a world where Trump is facing the lowest approval ratings of any president in history at this point in the term friends of the Pres have to step up and try and change that image!

So, Fox, Trump’s buddy it seems, are trying hard and honestly it’s quite laughable.

At a time and age where this channel (and yes much of the mainstream media) make a habit of ignoring large scale protests it’s amazing that they took the time to happily cover a pro-Trump protest outside of Trump tower with not even 100 people there, likely only around 50!

Watch the report and laugh below:

Seriously, is this the best they could get?

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