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5 Years After His Death Trayvon Martin’s Parents Look Back And Consider Going Into Politics | Urban Intellectuals

5 Years After His Death Trayvon Martin’s Parents Look Back And Consider Going Into Politics

by | Feb 1, 2017 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

5 years after the tragic death of teen Trayvon Martin his parents are remembering the life of their child, their best friend and sweet child. Building a portrait of a sweet boy who loved to help his father and best friend go out to feed the homeless and to snuggle up to his mother to watch movies they have given an intimate account of their son’s life in the new book Rest In Power.

After he died, dealing the grief, the resistance of the authorities to communicate with them and their fight against that and their ongoing fight for social justice has seen them working from their heart, fighting for a better future.

And seeing as not much has changed they are now looking at the possibility to run for office.

USA Today wrote, in their write up of their exclusive interview with the couple:

Now they fear President Trump will reverse whatever has been accomplished. Both are considering running for political office to “be part of the change” they say the nation needs.

“Since Trayvon’s death, we saw how divided the country is on these issues and we saw how the country can come together,” Tracy Martin, Trayvon’s father, told Capital Download. “You have those that are for uniting the country and you have those that want to be apart. And what this new presidency does, it takes those that want to be apart and it puts them right in the position where they can say, ‘We’ll change the laws, and we’ll make it tougher.'”

He worries that the new administration will make it easier for law enforcement officials and citizens to justify violence against minorities on the grounds they felt their safety was imperiled. ​At his trial for shooting Trayvon, George Zimmerman argued he felt threatened by the 17-year-old, whom he had followed in his car and then on foot.

In their new book, Rest in Power, being published Tuesday by Siegel & Grau, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin testify in alternating chapters how an explosive national controversy unfolded in their lives, from the shooting in 2012 to the protests in the street to the trial of his killer. The 331-page book ends with Zimmerman’s acquittal in 2013 on charges of second-degree murder and manslaughter.

Now, in an interview with USA TODAY’s video newsmaker series, Fulton and Martin say they are considering running for office, an idea they would have found laughable five years ago — “before our life got interrupted,” as she put it.

“Before I was just comfortable with my average life, but now I feel like I’m just obligated to be part of the change,” Fulton said. “The only way we can be part of the change is if we start with local government and we work our way up.”

How far up?

“It could go all the way to the White House,” she declared, though it would begin with a bid for, say, city or county commission.

“There’s no limitations,” Martin agreed. “I think once you embark on a journey, you don’t minimize your goal; you want to maximize your goals. So you start on the local level and then you work your way up and hopefully it will take us to a place where we can help more than just local, more than just state. National. That would be the focus.”

These parents have been articulate and pure in their fight, I would welcome their step into the political arena.

Rest in Power Trayvon.

Read more in USA Today.

You can also pick up the new book in the link below:

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