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AND THE DICTATORSHIP BEGINS? Donald Trump Fires The Acting Attorney General Of The United States | Urban Intellectuals

AND THE DICTATORSHIP BEGINS? Donald Trump Fires The Acting Attorney General Of The United States

by | Jan 31, 2017 | News, Opinion, Politics News | 0 comments

Sally Yates said she’d refuse to defend Trump’s executive order on immigration, as the head of the Attorney General you’d think she would have a good position to make such a decision. However, defying Trump obviously comes at a price and it’s also an indicator of what could be to come.

A man who leads a country and does not accept the advice of his counsel, of his educated and experienced staff is dangerous, dangerous to the core.

We’ve seen this behavior on repeat again and again in countries where dictators do insane things, like sentence people to death by laughing at them.

Is American breaking at the seams? Is America entering the age of dictatorship? Is Trump’s admiration of Putin about how he rules and keeps people silent?

The Huff reported:

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Yates had been relieved of her duties. Dana Boente, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was named as acting attorney general.

Spicer’s statement said Yates had “betrayed the Department of Justice” by refusing to defend Trump’s order. The statement added that Yates, a career prosecutor whom Trump named as acting attorney general, is “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.”

Boente will serve until Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is confirmed as attorney general.

The stunning move was reminiscent of President Richard Nixon’s “Saturday Night Massacre” in 1973, when he fired his attorney general and deputy attorney general, when they refused to dismiss Archibald Cox, the special prosecutor in the Watergate case.

Earlier Monday, Yates wrote a letter stating she could not enforce Trump’s executive order banning refugees and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim nations and instructing Justice Department lawyers not to defend the order.

“At present, I am not convinced that the defense of the executive order is consistent with these responsibilities nor am I convinced that the executive order is lawful,” she wrote.


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