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Trump Waging A War Against Blacks To “Make American Great Again” | Urban Intellectuals

Trump Waging A War Against Blacks To “Make American Great Again”

by | Jan 13, 2017 | News, Opinion, Politics News | 0 comments

Remember Trump’s promise to bring back “law and order” to black communities he said were ravaged by crime? Well, push this alongside the destruction of federal jobs, the Trump nominee for Secretary of Education’s track record on destroying public education in Detroit and you pretty much have a plan that is fast shaping up to be a full on war against black Americans and the poor! Making America Great Again was supposed to be for the little guy but seriously it’s looking increasingly like a play to improve the lives of Trump and his pals!

The Grio reported;

One of the areas where this war will be waged is in the nation’s public schools, of which the majority of students are children of color. Enter Betsy DeVos, Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Education.

DeVos has no experience in education, nor has she or her family attended public schools. Rather, she is a billionaire education lobbyist who has devoted her time and resources to the privatization of public education, including promoting charter schools and taxpayer-funded vouchers for private and religious schools. In Michigan, she has poured money into charter schools and pushed for state laws that have led to reduced accountability and oversight. Further, 80 percent of charter schools in Michigan are run by for-profit companies, the highest in the nation.

The wasteland that is the Detroit public school system—a mess DeVos helped create—is a poignant example of what is in store for America’s majority black and brown public schools. DeVos has called public schools a “dead end,” and advocated for the shutdown of the Detroit public schools, replacing them with a free-market, for-profit system of privately-owned and unregulated institutions.

The billionaire fought and succeeded in lifting the cap on charter schools in Michigan and allowing failing charters, of which many are the worst performing schools in the city, to expand and replicate. After New Orleans, Detroit has the most students in charter schools of any city in America. And half of the Detroit charters are performing either worse than or merely just as well as traditional schools.

Meanwhile, the Republicans want to cut federal jobs, and have revived an obscure rule allowing Congress to reduce the pay of an individual federal employee to $1, effectively killing the U.S. civil service system. When it comes to employees, the federal government is heavily black, accounting for about 1 in 5 federal workers, far in excess of their representation in the general workforce. As an employer of last resort amid a sea of racial discrimination in the private sector, particularly in places such as the U.S. Postal Service, the government helped build the black middle class.

This is starting to look as bad as we all expected! Read more here.

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