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Democrats Presented Demands for Slavery Reparations | Urban Intellectuals

Democrats Presented Demands for Slavery Reparations

by | Jan 6, 2017 | Politics News | 0 comments

For the last two decades Rep. John Conyers, a Democrat from Michigan, has proposed a bill in each Congress for reparations for African Americans. This weeks member of the Congressional Black Caucus along with other Democrats have brought the issue to congress again and now a commission is being formed to determine if reparations will be paid to African Americans.

Within the bill Conyers wants the congress to not only consider paying reparations to African Americans but he also asking for an apology to be issued in response to the “fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the United States.”
The commission is set to examine the history of slavery in order to determine what they will do in response to the bill. They will make a decision as to whether the U.S. Government will apologize for slavery and or pay reparations.

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