Liberal white people want to ally, want to show solidarity, want to really make sure the world and anyone who isn’t another white person knows that they are not bad, that they are not the bad kind of white person.
During the election a lot of bad happened, however the ridiculous solidarity safety pin came out, essentially so white people could strap on a safety pin and lose a tad of their white guilt.
Ok, maybe I am being a bit heavy, these people are trying! But they are harassing the hell out of many black friends and online aquantences begging for tips on how not to be racist.
AND now, maybe they have the perfect way to get the advice and deal with the guilt that they crave so much!
A physical “safety pin” box shipped to you with guided ally tasks for the month. Tasks will vary in scope from individual to group assignments, and task categories include data collection, personal development, influencing your networks, and showing radical compassion.
Tasks are designed to be completed within the month and members are encouraged to document their work and collaborate with other Safety Pin members online to complete projects.
And here are some of the options
Pin Pals Box – $50 per month
This box is a partnership box between two white people ($50 monthly subscription fee per person). This box focuses on collaboration and includes:
Physical “safety pin” box shipped to one address with guided two-person tasks for the month
Exclusive “calls to action” when urgent ally services are needed in times of crisis
Subscribers ONLY Safety Pin Box Facebook group featuring connections to other subscribers & exclusive SPB content
Special free gift when you sign up before Jan 1 and after subscribing for one full year
E-Ally Box – $25 Per Month
This box is an electronic form of solidarity ($25 monthly subscription fee) and includes:
One emailed online task per month. These will be mass tasks shared with other e-allies that month and will be marked by their own special hashtag
Exclusive “calls to action” when urgent ally services are needed in times of crisis
Subscribers ONLY Safety Pin Box Facebook group featuring connections to other subscribers & exclusive SPB content
Special free gift after subscribing for one full year
Revenge Box – $50 one off
The Revenge Box is our current single use box ($50 per box). Send this box to a Trump supporter, bigot, or white supremacist of our choice. You can include your name or send it anonymously, and the box includes:
A small box sent to the person of your choosing stating that a donation to an important cause has been made in their name.
The box includes an encouragement to recipients to “see what their donation helps support” and a link to a website that features highlights of the current movement for Black lives and stories of Black excellence.
What do you think of this? Pass this address to anyone asking for advice on how not to be racist or how to be an ally