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Philippines’ Pres. Says ‘Bye-Bye America,’ We Don’t Need Your Money (Yet, Praises Trump!) | Urban Intellectuals

Philippines’ Pres. Says ‘Bye-Bye America,’ We Don’t Need Your Money (Yet, Praises Trump!)

by | Dec 19, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is a controversial figure. On one hand he is emerging as a voice against the USA, standing up to them, yet looking at the record in his own country, especially the extra-judicial killings in his campaign against drugs, he seems like a brutal figure heading a regime.

The USA has long criticized these extra-judicial killings causing backlashes from the Duterte who has made comments about police brutality in the USA in response.

On saturday he declared “bye-bye America”, and we don’t need your money. This was in response to a decision by the Millennium Challenge Corp (MCC) where the board voyed to defer vote on the re-selection of Manila for compact development. The reason cited was human rights issues!

Duerte was angry, lashing out and said:

“We do not need you,”

“Prepare to leave the Philippines. Prepare for the eventual repeal or abrogation of the VFA.”

“Bye, bye America and work on the protocols that will eventually move you out of the Philippines,”

“We do not need the money. China said they will provide so many,”

“The politics here in Southeast Asia is changing.”

The VFA is a 1998 agreement (Visiting Forces Agreement) that sees thousands of troops in the country for military exercises and humanitarian assistance.

However, he also nodded to Trump suggestions things could get better with him, saying:

“I like your mouth, it’s like mine, yes Mr President. We are similar and people with the same feathers flock together.”

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