No one should be shocked by the outcome of the “fight for $15” protest. I thought $15 an hour was a lot of money for jobs that I perceived to be for teens. When you look at most minimum wage jobs they don’t require much education and minimal training. Not mention most minimum wage jobs were designated to be careers. But even if you have that philosophy when you really think about it the cost of living is steadily increasing along with the price of a burger, so shouldn’t minimum wage increase too?
But Stevie Wonder saw this coming. When you are getting ready to take a flight to leave town and when you go to the grocery store you can easily use a kiosk to meet all of your needs. So as a big corporation that does not want to lose money by paying employees more money (because you know some of them are strapped for cash—insert sarcasm), you’ll buy a big computer to take the place of 10 employees. If the “fight for $15” protestors didn’t see this coming, they should have.
Now protest will follow this decision but maybe we should learn from past situations and stop standing in the streets stopping traffic because honestly no one cares about that. The real way to protest is to stop shopping in these establishments. Stop going to McDonald’s, stop going to Walmart. If they value being richer over paying their employees enough money to keep up with the cost of living, stop giving them your damn money, the bus boycott. These corporation thrive off of poor to medium income families. Go home, start cooking, and stop funding their private jets.