Yesterday morning workers remove the “Trump Place” signage from three of Trump’s apartment buildings in New York City after successful petition calling for removal. Over 600 residents signed a petition to remove Trump’s name from the buildings to assume a more neutral building identity. Neutral identity or camouflage from the angry protesters. So please don’t get too excited his residents don’t dislike or disagree with him, they just don’t want their homes vandalized by anti-Trump protesters.
Since Trump has been elected as the next president a large number of anti-Trump protests have emerged in cities all across the U.S. and New York is one of them. People passing by stopped bask in ambiance as Trump’s name was removed from the buildings, some even cheered the workers on as the removed the huge golden letters from the front of the buildings.
The removal of the signs has definitely hit Trump in the jugular since he’s such a prideful man. So prideful his family had to sit on gold thrones during his first interview since becoming president-elect but one thing it didn’t hurt was his pockets, he still owns the three buildings.