#TrumpsComingChallenge Pretty Much Sums Up How Terrified Young People Are!

by | Nov 17, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Millennials overwhelmingly rejected Trump, however, as usual, the old white guys get to decide how everything goes down!

Our future, the youth, they don’t want the America we are living in, the reality of such a man as trump and his buddies occupying the highest seats in office! BUT it is reality.

Humor can never die, you always need to try and laugh no matter how bad things get and the #TrumpsComingChallenge seems like the humorous reaction to a very real fear.

If somone shouts TRUMP’S COMING, everyone runs as fast as possible in the opposite direction, or they drop to the ground. Really, it says it all!

On behalf of the older people of our country, I apologize to the youth! But now, you gotta work to make it better if you can!

Enjoy the video below!

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