Trump Super PAC Member Cites Japanese Internment As ‘Precedent’ For Muslim Registration

by | Nov 17, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Surely nothing should shock us these days, right?

Well what about this….

Carl Higbie is a retired Navy SEAL, he worked for a pro-Trump super PAC during the election campaign. He is the all-American who wants to help make the country great again, so great that he is harking back to a time that may have been one of the USA’s darkest!

He is calling for using Japanese internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II as a basis for creating a federal registry for immigrants from Muslim countries.

W T F…. Are we really talking about heading back there?

In the interview on Fox News Megyn Kelly was coy about the subject to say the least as Higbie laid out his thoughts. He said:

”The president needs to protect America first, and if that means having people that are not protected under our Constitution have some sort of registry so we can understand ― until we can identify the true threat and where it’s coming from ― I support it,”

And the saddest thing is, this isn’t just a crazed fan making mad suggestions. Trump’s team has indicated that Muslim registry is being considered and on the campaign trail Trump himself mentioned internment camps.

I really really hope the USA is not going down this path!

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