Robert Mugabe Wants To Restore U.S. Ties Now Trump Is In The White House

by | Nov 17, 2016 | Africa, News, Politics News | 0 comments

Robert Mugabe has long proved a controversial anti-US figure yet it seems with the new President-elect he wants to restore ties between America and Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe signalled a call for dialogue after many years of tense relations. The 92-year-old, who has ruled for 36 years, may be hoping for a relaxation of sanctions levelled against the productive African nation.

Mugabe has often been accused of human rights violations following violent crackdowns by his government against opposition and activists after a financial crisis.

The Huffington Post reported:

Mugabe’s government is looking forward to Trump’s inauguration next January as an opportunity to restore relations between Harare and Washington, Chris Mushowe, the country’s information, media and broadcasting services minister, told The Herald, a state-run, pro-Mugabe newspaper, last week.

“As a government, we were quite happy listening to Mr. Trump’s acceptance speech,” Mushowe said, welcoming what he saw as Trump’s pledge to work with every nation willing to cooperate with his administration. “Zimbabwe has never had any quarrel with America and does not need to have any quarrel with America.”

The Herald has been clear about the fact that it is not a fan of Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. It has accused the former secretary of state of being “a warmonger” at the “forefront” of supporting US sanctions against Zimbabwe. The newspaper also speculated that Clinton’s possible support of pro-democracy movements like the #ThisFlag campaign, an ongoing social media protest movement driven by young Zimbabweans, was aimed at unseating Mugabe and the ruling Zanu-PF.

It celebrated Trump’s “crushing” victory over Clinton last week, touting the potential benefits to the Zimbabwean government of the change in status quo, and mocking Zimbabwean opposition parties and civic movements who expressed disappointment over her loss. Several articles hailed Trump’s “establishment-shaking populist victory” as a nod to nationalism, and a lengthy editorial argued that the media attacks and criticism Trump endured would help him “understand Western characterization of Zimbabwe.”

Read more here.

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