Dakota Pipeline Protests Go National: ASK OBAMA TO REJECT BEFORE HE LEAVES!

by | Nov 16, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

The Dakota Access Pipeline protests have been making national news but until now the actual protests have stayed quite local, around the pipeline site! This has enabled the security teams from the company to seriously mistreat (in my opinion) the protesters and sometimes shut out the press.

Things are now getting quite dangerous with the looming Trump presidency likely not sympathising too much with the Standing Rock Sioux concerns and likelihood that full go-ahead will be granted.

BUT Obama has time to reject this pipeline and now demonstrators have reached San Francisco, Phoenix, Philadelphia and other cities.

The Huffington Post reported:

Crowds urged the Army Corps of Engineers to deny a permit to Energy Transfer Partners to build a portion of the 1,172-mile pipeline beneath Lake Oahe near the Standing Rock Sioux’s reservation. Much of the pipeline is already built, but this portion has been delayed since the Obama administration ordered a review of the approval process in September. 

One of the largest displays took place in San Francisco, where hundreds marched downtown, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) spoke to a protest gathering outside the White House.

“Future generations will look back and say ‘What in God’s name were you doing?’ Our job now is to break our dependency on fossil fuels,” Sanders said to cheers. 

“We have the fossil fuel industry pushing for more pipelines, for more dependency on fossil fuel is totally insane. So we say to President Obama, in any and every way you can, ‘Stop the pipeline.’

Hundreds of demonstrators disrupted freight traffic at a staging area for the pipeline near Mandan, North Dakota, according to The Associated Press.

Read more here.

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