Shortly before Donald Trump was officially called as the next president of AmeriKKK Van Jones let out a moving commentary, he talked of the pain of being a parent on this day, the reasons for the rise of Trump and fear for friends and their families.
It cuts to the core of how it must feel today to be anything other than White and Male, unless you are totally deluded!
He said:
“People have talked about a miracle ― I’m hearing about a nightmare,
“It’s hard to be a parent tonight for a lot of us. You tell your kids, ‘Don’t be a bully.’ You tell your kids, ‘Don’t be a bigot.’ You tell your kids, ‘Do your homework and be prepared.’ Then you have this outcome, and you have people putting children to bed tonight and they’re afraid of breakfast.
“They’re afraid of, ‘How do I explain this to my children?’ I have Muslim friends who are texting me tonight saying, ‘Should I leave the country?’ I have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight.
“This was a whitelash against a changing country,
“It was a whitelash against a black president in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes. And Donald Trump has a responsibility tonight to come out and assure people that he is going to be the president of all the people he insulted and offended and brushed aside.
“Yeah, when you say you want to take your country back, you got a lot of people who feel that we’re not represented well, either. But we don’t want to feel that someone has been elected by throwing away some of us to appeal more deeply to others.”
Watch Van Jones talk below, what do you think? Is he on point?