Former Congressman Defends his Infamous Racist Tweets: “If Trump Loses, I’m Grabbing my Musket…”

by | Nov 4, 2016 | Politics News | 0 comments

Former U.S. Congressman Joe Walsh came under fire for a post he made on Twitter, “On November 8th, I’m voting for Trump. On November 9th, if Trump loses, I’m grabbing my musket. You in?” Of course he defended his tweet on CNN during an interview with Chris Cuomo by saying:

“If I wanted people to take up arms why would I recommend people to take up an antique like a musket? I mean seriously in 2016, that’s just silly. When I said grab your musket, I meant, look, if Hillary Clinton wins, if she wins fair and square, then the anger that a lot of Americans have towards our political system — and she’s part of that — we gotta double down and triple down and do whatever we can to defend our freedom, do whatever we gotta do.”

What exactly does he mean by “do whatever we gotta do?” It’s hard to believe a man that says he’s not trying insight violence when this is not his first time making threats on Twitter. In the wake of the Dallas police officer shootings over the summer, he tweeted, “3 Dallas Cops killed, 7 wounded. This is now war. Watch out Obama. Watch out black lives matter punks. Real America is coming after you.”

He also Tweeted:

“Find out if I said Redskins or Cracker or Redneck Bible Thumper, I could stay on. But if I said Nigger or Spick, they cut me off.”

The sad part is that after making at least two threats on Twitter his account has not been suspended. If a black lives matter activist made these so called “ideal threats” they’d be in jail before they could blink.

Walsh is irresponsible and ignorant but what we are learning is that you don’t have to be intelligent to be in politics. He knows he has followers that hang off of his every word so to promote violent ideology is dangerous but he knows exactly what he’s doing. Now he’s back tracking to save his butt if something crazy does happen.



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