White America’s sensitivity towards history where it massacred, mistreated and dehumanised POCs, many native or black, often doesn’t seem to exist.
I’m not one to shy away from a joke, sometimes close to the bone, but mocking anything related to the past treatment of Native and black Americans is a pure disgrace.
Any, it seems that one high school team’s cheerleaders just don’t get it, their actions are an utter disgrace to Americans, particularly Native Americans and black Freedmen.
The Ohio high school football game happened between the Greenfield-McClain Tigers and Hillsboro Indians last Friday.
The Greenfield-McClain cheerleaders, promising a “Trail of Tears Part 2″ for Hillsboro. Seriously, WTF were they thinking?
Worse thing, they were even playing at Hillboro.
Wikipedia says this regarding the Trail of Tears:
The Trail of Tears was a series of forced removals of Native Americannations from their ancestral homelands in the Southeastern United Statesto an area west of the Mississippi River that had been designated as Native Territory. The forced relocations were carried out by various government authorities following the passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830. The relocated people suffered from exposure, disease, and starvation while on route, and more than four thousand died before reaching their various destinations. The removal included members of the Cherokee, Muscogee, Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw nations. The phrase “Trail of Tears” originated from a description of the removal of the Cherokee Nation in 1838.
Between 1830 and 1850, the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole, and Cherokee people (including Native Americans, and the African freedmen and slaves, who lived among them) were forcibly removed from their traditional lands in the Southeastern United States, and relocated farther west. Those relocated were forced to march to their destinations by state and local militias.
To make matters worse, they were playing a team with an Indian mascot, a team named the Indians, a team that probably does not have any native players (does anyone know if they do?), the use of the name and mascot is already bad enough and needs to be considered for change.
So, a team showed disrepect towards a team, being hurtful towards American Native peoples, towards another group of people who are being hurtful towards Native americans.
What a mess!
This is beyond ignorant and offensive. This is not how I want my hometown to be represented. pic.twitter.com/NwcfcNoU3o
— Rachel Onusko (@ronusko15) October 28, 2016
At least some people seemed to notice!