Michelle Obama Senate Run Imminent?

by | Oct 22, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

With the rumours and the growing active voice of Michelle Obama you won’t be alone in thinking she is starting to sound and act a lot like a politician! Those rumours that have been buzzing for a few months now have suggested that Michelle may be running for Senate.

Michelle’s been sitting next to a man holding one of the most powerful positions in the world, she has been there every step of the way, probably been a confidant. She has met world leaders, given rousing speeches and is absolutely beloved by many.

Donald Trump’s sharp rise in fame, even if he crashes and burns, shows us that American has a serious problem. And although Michele is endorsing Hilary, you have to admit, she is hardly a perfect fit for the role. Her trust rating is low, she has a dark past and the future under her isn’t exactly looking perfect in any way. She’s just gonna be better than Trump.


Politics needs a turn around, Michelle is a strong, educated, black, woman. She is tough but soft and exhibits a lot of the qualities we just wish our politicians had!

In he Senate she would possibly soar!

BUT politics can break a personality. Maybe the Senate isn’t the place for her. I sincerely hope after Barack leaves office that she does not stay silent. Barack can stay home and look after the house while Michelle hits the pavement and advocates, raises awareness and pushes for a better America…. We need this lady to be at loggerheads with whoever the establishment has helming it, we need her spirit and I am scared politics may kill that.

Also, well, there is the family thing! Do we really need to keep going down this road? Kennedy’s, Bush’s, Clintons, Obama’s? Really, should we not break this cycle, or at least try (at times it seems we have no choice, I don’t want to go onto illuminati stuff here, but…..).

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