#SHIIIIITTTT: Ice Cube Endorsing Trump Is Hilarious Satire…. Until You Realise, It’s Real!

by | Oct 20, 2016 | Celebrities, News, Politics News | 0 comments

“Donald Trump is what American’s LUV”

Ha ha ha ha ha, nice one Ice Cube, this is funny stuff…

“Donal Trump is what American’s aspire to be”

Yeah Cube, just keep rolling with this Will Ferrel style hyper-satire, hilarious!!!!

“Rich, Powerful, Do what you wanna do, say what you wanna say, be how you wanna be, that’s kind of been like, the the, American dream”

“So, he looks like a boss to everybody and Americans love to have a boss, so y’know, that’s his appeal to me”

Hilarious…. OH, wait, Ice Cube is being serious, this isn’t satire, f**k! Did Ice Cube just endorse Donald Trump! This is messed up. He has stated before that he wouldn’t vote for a mutherf**ker like Trump, so what on earth is going on!

What damn cloud is he sitting on, who paid him to say that or is he scared of losing a future pay check!

Does he really think Donald wants to let everyone do what they want, say what they want!

Watch the video below:

Maybe it is satire…. I’m so confused!

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