AGREE? NAACP Takes Major Stand Against Charter Schools!!

by | Oct 17, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

The NAACP is the nations oldest civil rights organisation and when they make a statement it has a wide impact.

Now, they have taken a huge stand directed against the expansion of charter schools, the over 7000 publicly funded but privately run institutions that have been expanding since 1991.

The Huffington Post reported that:

In late July, delegates at the NAACP national convention voted on a resolution that calls for a moratorium on the growth of charter schools. On Saturday, the NAACP board ratified this resolution.

“The NAACP’s resolution is not inspired by ideological opposition to charter schools but by our historical support of public schools ― as well as today’s data and the present experience of NAACP branches in nearly every school district in the nation,” Cornell William Brooks, president and CEO of the NAACP, said in a statement. “Our NAACP members, who as citizen advocates, not professional lobbyists, are those who attend school board meetings, engage with state legislatures and support both parents and teachers.”

This harsh condemnation has come off the back of a lot of criticism. The schools are often caught with harsh discipline practises, little or no oversight or accountability. The NAACP want these schools frozen until accountability is gained.

They want to concentrate on improving the quality of traditional public schools as black students are very often the brunt of bad education.


naacpstandagainstcharterschoolsOf course, Charter schools have their fans too. Do you agree with the NAACP?

Read more in the Huff:

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