DISGUSTING: Black Architect Humiliated! A Seattle Bank Refused To Believe Her Paycheck Was Real!

by | Oct 11, 2016 | News | 0 comments

So, earning legitimate money, based on experience and education, while black, is also now under question it seems as a female black architect was questioned while trying to deposit the hard money she had earned in a Seattle bank!

Seriously, wtf?

A friend of Trish Doolan (@whoissugar) shared Trish’s Facebook status on Facebook, Trish had written:

When you deposit your paycheck at 9am.

When the manager thinks your check is fake…

When he pulls you into an office and asks you to take a seat.

When he googles your office and asks why the corporate office is in Philadelphia.

When he calls HR to verify that you’re employed.

When he asks for your desk number.

When he asks what you do.

When he asks where is PNC bank.

When you want to jump on his desk and scream.

When HR doesn’t answer to confirm your identity from Philadelphia.

When you have ID.

When he says they will hold your check for 9 days “to be safe”.

When banking black at keybank.

Buzzfeed got in touch with Trish. They learned she had just moved to Seattle a few weeks ago. She is a job captain of architecture at design firm Nelson, Inc.


After she deposited her check they called her back to the bank, took her to an office and asked her all these questions saying and “kept saying it was for the bank’s safety,”.

For obvious reasons she felt discriminated against and said “When I realized that I was defending who I was, trying to prove to someone I didn’t know who I was, I knew I was being discriminated against,”

We all know that this would not have happened if a white woman walked in and did the same!

That’s why banking black is essential if you can’t even go around doing daily business without discrimination.

You can find your local black bank here.

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