DEMAND That Donald Trump Takes A Drug Test!

by | Oct 11, 2016 | Celebrities, News, Politics News | 0 comments

Trump demanded that Obama turn in his long term birth certificate and he led a crusade to try and prove that the Pres was not American. He disbelieved it (and probably still does) until he was forced to publicly acknowledge his BS.

Now, due to his recent signs, it seems the Don has been acting in a way that could be a result of cocaine use. Sniffles, pure arrogance, not listening etc etc.

These accusations may be false and he may cast them off as ridiculous.

However, many ‘experts’ such as Carrie Fisher (yes, Princess Leia) are upholding that he was definitely on coke in the last debate.

Carrie was asked:

@carrieffisher tell me something about that sniffle…coke head or no?

And she answered:

@reimamy I’m an expert & ABSOLUTELY

We can’t have our next president being a coke head! But you know, rich white men get away with drug use while black men end up in jail, for a long long time!

Anyway, would the Don be willing to take a drug test, to clear up this matter?

I think we should demand it! Don’t you?


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Watch Colbert’s mockery of Trump and his coke usage below.

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