Olympian John Carlos on Kaepernick’s Protest “This is a movement, this is not a moment.”

by | Sep 14, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

When John Carlos raised his fist at the 1968 Olympics he made a mark on history, one that is far far from forgotten. He created a wave, a movement. Now, he says, that Kaepernick’s anthem protest is making the same mark and has created a movement.

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He was interviewed by Reuters on Monday and said

“He’s bringing attention to (the issues). And how did he bring attention to them?

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The same way we did 48 years ago in terms of giving America shock treatment.

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That’s the only way they move, man: is when you shock them,”


“We were gardeners and caretakers. We till the earth. We plant the seeds. We water the ground. And what you see today is the fruit of our labor,”

“This is a movement, this is not a moment.”

“All we’re saying is we wrap ourselves around the American flag, but the American flag, we want you to wrap your arms around us. And be true about it,”


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