DISGUSTING: Oil Company Sets Dogs On Native Protesters!

by | Sep 5, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Oil company Dakota Access Pipeline have shown exactly how much respect they have for Native protesters opposing the construction of a pipeline in North Dakota after their security reportedly sicced dogs on them and pepper sprayed protesters.

Members of the Siox Tribe have been camping on the site of the controversial $3.8 billion project in North Dakota since April and this week things are coming to breaking point after it’s expected that full construction will be given the go ahead.

RT.com reported:

The demonstrators then began marching over dirt mounds created by bulldozers at the site, while chanting, “We’re not leaving!”

One guard can be seen with pepper spray in his hand, while an activist says, “This man just maced me in the face.”

Another protester said that a guard set a dog on him, and pointed to his injured arm. The dog is shown with blood on its nose and mouth.

In response, one demonstrator can be heard loudly screaming, “Get your f**king dogs out of here!”

The security guards eventually left the site in a caravan of pick-up trucks.

However, Morton County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Donnell Preskey said authorities received no reports of protesters being injured, but that four private security guards and two guard dogs were injured after being approached by several hundred demonstrators. One of the security officers was taken to the hospital, and the dogs were taken to a veterinary clinic.

Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier said in a statement that “individuals crossed onto private property and accosted private security officers with wooden posts and flag poles.”

“Any suggestion that today’s event was a peaceful protest is false,” he said.

Saturday’s event was the latest flare-up in the protest against the four-state Dakota Access Pipeline, which was launched by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe after tribal leaders alleged that the project would destroy several Native American cultural sites and burial grounds, and claimed it would taint the water supply.

A video can be seen below and you can read more here on RT.com: http://bit.ly/2chM1SP

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