“I lost. The ni**er won” Says Alabama GOP Mayor After Loss! BAN HER FROM POLITICS!

by | Aug 26, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Someone asked Republican (Now Former) Mayor of Midland City, Alabama Patsy Capshaw Skipper how the election went. She lost her seat to black candidate Jo Ann Bennett Grimsley.

He reply to the question asked on Facebook was absolutely disgusting, inexcusable and I believe should be enough for a full on ban in politics.

She wrote to her facebook:

“I lost. The ni**er won”

Skipper was an interim Mayor, she was put in place when her husband Virgil Skipper retired due to health reasons.

Jo Ann Bennett Grimsley, the new Mayor, is very qualified. She is a former assistant city clerk and an employee of the Dale County government for over 27 years.

Grimsley won with 233 botes, Skipper got 148.

Skipper has now made her Facebook timeline private but a screenshot of the racist reply is below thanks to RawStory for this…


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