Two Omega Men Create “Man The Block Safe Passage Program” To Protect Children At Schools In D.C.

by | Aug 24, 2016 | Positivity | 0 comments

Marco Clark is an Omega Man that took on the initiative to create the Man The Block Safe Passage Program. This program is designed to keep children and adults safe while coming to school as well as leaving school. Another objective is to make sure the area around the school is clean and that no alcohol or drugs are being offered to students. As a community, we have to applaud efforts like this.

I believe that this is an excellent movement. Instead of complaining about what is going on in D.C., these men decided to take action and make change for black children. How different would our community be if we all took on this attitude. We don’t need the city police to patrol and protect us. We can do this ourselves.

My hope is that this program goes nationwide. I hope more black men realize the importance of protecting our black babies and decide to take action like these two men did. All it takes for a fire to spread is a spark. Hopefully these to men can be the spark that the black community so desperately needs. Below is more information on there program.

One Mission. One Voice. Safe Communities.
Man The Block Safe Passage Program Mission: To promote Safe Passage for all students in the District of Columbia through coordinated and collaborative efforts of schools, city government, civic organizations, and whole communities.
Goals include:
• Engage schools, community, government, and businesses in collaborative solutions
• Continue to build productive, clean, and safe communities around institutions of learning
• Promote academic achievement
• Promote clear walkways (free of loitering, harassment, bullying, drugs, and alcohol)
• Increase the number of bike lanes near educational institutions
Man The Block CITYWIDE on Monday, May 16, 2016 is an opportunity to bring about awareness, advocacy, and participation around Safe Passage for all DC students, involving all sectors of community and government. Volunteers will support schools in each Ward as a unified, collective effort, serving as an impetus for momentous and needed action for positive change on various levels.
With the increase of violence that has surged in the District, a sense of urgency in preventive measures is needed in which community responsibility, civic duty, communication and collaboration between city, school, business, and community leaders, are essential in preemptive solutions, as well as an opportunity to model these actions for positive youth development.
Goals for Man The Block CITYWIDE:
• To create the visible presence of a multitude of concerned, caring and encouraging adults from various sectors of community, instilling a sense of safety, community, and citizenship across the District for youth
• To promote greater awareness and address the need for a community call to action for Safe Passage for ALL DC youth
• To model for young people positive youth development through community responsibility, participation, and collaboration throughout the city
• To increase sustained volunteerism for schools around the city for Safe Passage
Man The Block Website:
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@4ManTheBlock on Twitter:
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Man The Block III – The Symposium –

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